all equals a Snow Day! No school for the boys, and no work for me. Seeing as I work in a school, that does make sense, but its still nice. The only thing was that after the 5:30 am call from the school, and the 6:15 call from work, I erally couldn't get back to sleep. But as I am now up before the rest of my house, I will enjoy the peace and quiet,and have my tea. I'm betting my class will be cancelled tonite as well, which will make for a bit of a nice break, I need to get some papers finished up. I didn't do a thing on them yesterday, but I did get a box together to send to Leanne, of Little House Mouse. ( I really need to learn how to make my links work!) She and I were partnered in the Vintage Swap, hosted by Heather of Shivaya Naturals. The first of March is kind of sneaking up on me, but it'll go out today, yay! Our post office is open in town after 6 months of being closed due to fire damage. No more going to the next town, with its big post office/court building, and little tiny parking lot!Plus, I am going to go snowshoeing this afternoon, I haven't had the snow to go since December. I am ready for Spring, but I guess Winter can stick around a little while longer, as long as March goes out like a lamb.
I am anticipating a NO school day tomorrow~have a great day!