I had something to say, when I sat down here. But in the time it took to load this picture, it seems to have deserted me. Perhaps its too early, especially on a Sunday. Perhaps its because I haven't had any tea yet. But the boys are at Nana's, and Craig is still sleeping. So that means the house is utterly quiet, except for the birds outside. There is nothing like the quiet of a house first thing in the morning,before anyone else is awake.Before
Sportscenter is turned on, or the phone starts ringing. Sometimes even the fans in the windows are too noisy. And the fact that I spent yesterday cleaning the house ( even on such a beautiful day as yesterday was! I know, I know. but it had to be done.), means that I feel better this morning. I even cleaned under my bed. That is akin to cleaning
your kitchen cupboards. Even though nobody can
see it, you feel better knowing its done.
And, you just want to leave the doors open, to admire your work. ( Does anyone else do that?) A little rearranging also took place, and some getting rid of stuff that just didn't quite work anymore. So now, today I will be outside. I will go far a walk with my friend, Gretchen, whom I have not seen in over a week, since she's been in Maine. And maybe I will go out back, this afternoon, once the boys are home, and lie down on a quilt and do a little bit of nothing. But it really won't be nothing. There are clouds to look at, birds to listen to, and my gardens to wander through, wondering why the deer show no interest in the weeds growing around the edges, instead of the peas, the tomatoes, and the black eyed Susans I grew from seed this Spring. To admire the huge patch of pumpkins, and to lament that the cucumbers are doing so very poorly. I really wanted bread and butter pickles this year. I've been so busy this week, what with work, kids, and finally, getting registered for college classes this Fall. I've been very nervous about getting one particular class before it filled up, and now that that's done, I am now nervous about getting a good enough grade to be accepted into the Nursing program next year.
But today, the sun is out. My house is clean. I have nothing to do but the aforementioned walk, and lying around. That will be enough for today.