16 August, 2011

The Sun

Behold! The Sun, she has returned( after a three day hiatus.) Gladly, it was only raining outside, and not inside, as I have finally fixed the leak in my bedroom. And in other, unrelated happenings, just some images from my summer, of kayaking with children and friends, and of hiking with sisters and nephews. The latter was especially good, as my sister lives in Florida, and does not get a chance to come up and spend more than a few hours at a time with us. That she spent three days this time was a treat, even though we also spent a week together when the boys and I drove down to Florida in June! I will certainly take all the time I can get with her and her boys, as mine own family lives some distance from me( all of them). So although I have been very busy this summer( classes, vacations, and general life), there was also a good deal of out-of-the-ordinary happenings as well.